
Tuesday, 15 January 2019


HIV Virus

What are Viruses? 

A virus is a non-cellular particle made up of genetic material and protein that can invade living cells.


Are Viruses Living or Non-living?

Viruses are both and neither. They have some properties of life but not others. For example, viruses can be killed, even crystallized like table salt. However, they can’t maintain a constant internal state (homeostasis).

Discovery of Viruses

- Beijerinck (1897) coined the Latin name “virus” meaning poison.
- He studied filtered plant juices & found they caused healthy plants to become sick.
- Wendell Stanley (1935) crystallized sap from sick tobacco plants.
- He discovered viruses were made of nucleic acid and protein.
- Edward Jenner (1796) developed a smallpox vaccine using milder cowpox viruses.
- Deadly viruses are said to be virulent.
- Smallpox has been eradicated in the world today.

Size of Viruses


- Non living structures.
- Noncellular.
- Contain a protein coat called the capsid.
- Have a nucleic acid core containing DNA or RNA.
- Capable of reproducing only when inside a HOST cell.
- Some viruses are enclosed in an protective envelope.
- Some viruses may have spikes to help attach to the host cell.
- Most viruses infect only SPECIFIC host cells.
- Viral capsids (coats) are made of individual protein subunits.
- Individual subunits are called capsomeres.
- Outside of host cells, viruses are inactive.
- Lack ribosomes and enzymes needed for metabolism.
- Use the raw materials and enzymes of the host cell to be able to reproduce.
- Some viruses cause disease.
- Smallpox, measles, mononucleosis, influenza, colds, warts, AIDS, Ebola.
- Some viruses may cause some cancers like leukemia
Virus-free cells are rare.

Viral Shapes

- Viruses come in a variety of shapes.
- Some may be helical shape like the Ebola virus.

- Some may be polyhedral shapes like the influenza virus.
- Others have more complex shapes like bacteriophages.

Used for Virus Identification

- RNA or DNA Virus.
- Do or do NOT have an envelope.
- Capsid shape.
- HOST they infect.

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